REBUILD: ICT-enabled integration faciliatator and life rebuilding guidance
REBUILD: ICT-enabled integration faciliatator and life rebuilding guidance
CONSORTIUM: UNINETTUNO – Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, CERTH – Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CIDAS, DEN Institute asbl, Engineering Informatica S.p.A, MDAT – Major Development Agency Thessaloniki S.A, OMNES – Syllogos Ethelonton Kilkis, UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UPM – Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, UAB – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
REBUILD main objective is to improve migrants and refugees integration processes in Europe through the development of ICT-based solutions, aiming at enhancing the efficiency level in local authorities’ service provision and the immigrants’ quality of life. Actually, the starting point is the awareness about the gap between the supply of public services and the actual possibility of accessing them for immigrants and refugees.
This objective will be achieved through the realization of an application that may be used by immigrants and refugees to assure a better interaction among them and with public administrations and a more effective matching between the immigrants’ needs and the supply of services in the hosting countries.
The typologies of services being considered are based on set of rights of which the immigrants are entitled, but they are not limited to these:
Access to education
Residence permit
Welfare services
Access to accommodation
Access to procedures for the recognition of professional skills
Services for unaccompanied minors
Other services.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme: