Department of Engineering Services

Department of Engineering Services for Local Authorities and Entities

Major Development Agency Thessaloniki, possesses the know-how, the necessary staff and certifications, having the possibility to provide any technical support and consultancy services to organizations, the Municipalities and the Regional Authorities.

Our Company operates an organized Engineering Services Department with an appropriate number and qualifications of technical personnel, which has assumed the responsibilities of the Managing Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the public works legislation.

The Engineering Services Department is provided in the organization chart of the Agency and is staffed according to legislation. Also, by decision of the competent the advisory and decision-making bodies, for the application of the public procurement law (Services, Studies, Procurement, Public Works) have been defined.

Activities of the Engineering/Consulting Services Department

  1. Programming for the submission of proposals, integration and monitoring of the implementation of projects under co-financed projects
  2. Implementation of technical studies, services and projects as Technical Advisor
  3. Implementation of Programmes
  4. Preparation of studies
  5. Consulting Services

Shareholder Support Services for Local Authorities and Entities

  • Provision of support services to the Central Macedonia Region for the Municipality of Neapoli-Sykies, for the fast track planning and submission of the project “Re-design of the” Romanian Park between Venizelos, Karamanlis, Papandreou Streets in Neapoli Municipal District».
  • Provision of support services for the Municipality of Neapoli-Sykies, fast track planning and submission of the project “Energy Upgrading of the Sykies Swimming Pool» to the Ministry of Environment.
  • Provision of support services of the Municipality of Pavlos Melas for the submission to the Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation of NSRF 2014-2020 and the Central Macedonian Operational Programme of the project: “Creative Re-use of Buildings and Environmental Upgrading of the Metropolitan Park (former Military Camp) Pavlos Melas”.
  • Technical Advisor Services to the Pavlos Melas Municipality Services Dept. for fast track studies of re-use of the central building of the Pavlos Melas (former Military Camp) Metropolitan Park, through the Programme Contract for Cultural Development with the Ministry of Culture, Central Macedonia Region, Municipality Pavlos Melas and the Management Organisation Unit of Development Programmes with the funding of the Public Investment Programme.

  Managerial Competency:

✓ MDAT S.A. is registered in the Registry of Contracting Authorities (Registration No 730)

✓ MDAT S.A. is registered with the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Registration No 58080704000)

Managerial Competency Certification Type A, B and C (ELOT 1429: 2008)